Important Features of VoIP Billing Software

February 17, 2023


Technology facilitates the efficient management of many complex daily tasks. A VoIP billing solution is one such software that makes customer management and the billing process closer than ever.

What is a VoIP Billing Software System

A VoIP billing system is a set of solutions that help you manage, track, report, and process payments, bills, and many other organizational payment processes that need to be more efficient and accurate. As a cherry on top, our custom VoIP billing solutions provide advanced state-of-the-art features for service providers and end users.

Automated VoIP billing solutions by Asterisk2VOIP fill the gap in traditional billing systems and meet the requirements of multiple organizations by improving overall customer management.

The best VoIP billing solutions include real-time VoIP billing and have a flexible rate management system for both Customer and Vendor rates. 

It also includes:

  • Packaging
  • True multi-layer charging
  • Multiple currency support

Key Features of our VOIP Billing Software

Account management

Asterisk2VOIP supports several hierarchical user types (Super Admin, Admin, Reseller, Customer), each defined as a separate account with a unique set of features. Each account has different roles and permissions that are controlled by the top-level account.

Calling card

The Full Calling Card with/without Reseller Module includes all the features offered by Asterisk2VOIP in the Calling Card Module to manage, manage and control various operations related to calling cards.

Calling strategy

Call routing, or distribution strategy, affects many factors in a VoIP business, including call rates, customer experience, call quality, and more. Thus, Asterisk2VOIP allows businesses to take advantage of advanced call routing strategies built with intelligent algorithms.

The cost of calling

Each business model is different, as are the types of customers in the group. Therefore, Asterisk2VOIP allows businesses to set different rates based on different criteria, and invoicing and billing will be automatic and accurate.

Invoicing and billing

Extensive features to create, manage and automate the invoice and billing process in your VoIP business. Marketers can sell their features and use white labels to sell business benefits.

Reports and alerts

Get comprehensive reports to stay up-to-date and informed about your business. Receive real-time alerts via SMS and email about certain event triggers.

System settings

All system-level configurations and settings are accessible via the system setup/configuration module. These settings apply to all accounts, if allowed, until child accounts use the appropriate new settings.

Advantages of VoIP Billing Software

With the increasing ease of installation and deployment of Voice over IP PBX systems, many PBX vendors and IT companies are realizing the opportunity to enter this market. While setting up an IP PBX is relatively simple for anyone with basic communications knowledge, VoIP billing is an area that can increase the PBX’s revenue potential to ensure a continuous revenue stream. 

In addition, troubleshooting and reliability become easier because the administrator can see both sides of the connection and monitor the connection end-to-end.

Rating, Sponsorship and Performance

Rating is the process by which calls made by a customer can be billed to the customer or charged in a prepaid configuration. If a prepaid service is available, the customer must be billed in detail for the cost of the service provided. 

This process is called mediation and enforcement. Asterisk2Voip has the ability to create customized invoices to meet the requirements of Asterisk2VOIP Administrators.

VoIP fraud management

Unfortunately, fraud is prevalent in the telecommunications industry, and victims may include IP PBX system operators and Soft-switches. Asterisk2Voip has several reporting functions that can alert administrators when unusual call patterns are detected. In addition, the Asterisk2VoIP billing solution adds an additional intrusion detection system that actively blocks attacks on the Asterisk2Voip platform.

Sales and customer acquisition

In general, telecom companies need a large amount of traffic to be successful. Asterisk2Voip offers several features to help sales efforts, including support for online business and agent and branch marketing, as well as detailed reporting of revenue margins by phone or service or product.

Asterisk2Voip allows agents and affiliate networks to sell products and services on behalf of administrators, where they receive sales commissions. 

All of this is managed through the Asterisk2Voip management interface.

Registration links can be placed on Affiliate and Agent websites that automatically connect new customers to the respective Agent or Affiliate Marketer, ensuring proper commission distribution.

Additionally, Agents have direct control over their customers and have complete visibility into customer activity to the extent desired by the Asterisk2Voip Admin.

Why VoIP Billing Solutions by Asterisk2VOIP?

Asterisk2Voip offers a variety of services for vendors, distributors, retailers and end customers with the help of VoIP billing solutions through intelligently configured billing solutions.

Our custom VoIP billing solutions are highly scalable. We understand your business requirements and put together a design accordingly. Contact us for details on how VoIP billing solutions can help your business grow.


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