A S T E R I S K 2 V O I P

Terms and Conditions

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By accessing this website, the user acknowledges acceptance of these terms.

The following Terms apply to this website and other websites, sites, forums, wikis, blogs, facilities, services or links to these Terms or Asterisk2VOIP, Inc. refers to all the domain names it owns that can be accessed (or used). Each referred to herein as a “Page”. 

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all current and future visitors to the Site, as they may be changed by Asterisk2VOIP.

Authorized copy

Asterisk2VOIP hereby authorizes you to copy material published on the website by Asterisk2VOIP solely for non-commercial use or in your organization (or your customer’s organization if you are a distributor or partner of Asterisk2VOIP) solely to support our products. No other use of the data is permitted.

Comply with applicable laws; export control laws

Access to and use of this Site is governed by and subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws. The information, products and publications available on the Site may be subject to export laws and restrictions and may be subject to the laws of other countries, including your country of residence. 

“Export Laws” means international, national and local laws, regulations, orders and other restrictions related to export or import, including the US Export Administration Act and all regulations promulgated there, Department of Defense, State regulations. , or Commerce or other government agencies, as well as end use, end user and jurisdictional destination limitations from which the information and materials on the website are imported or exported.

You agree to comply with all applicable national and international export laws that may apply to such information and materials, as well as all end-use, end-user and purpose restrictions related to the export restrictions of the jurisdiction in which the information is used  or information or materials are exported.


Trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed on the Site are owned by Asterisk2VOIP or other third parties. 

Use of these trademarks is prohibited without the written permission of Asterisk2VOIP or any third party that owns the respective trademark.

General objection

Although Asterisk2VOIP tries to provide accurate information on its website. Asterisk2VOIP may change the programs or products advertised at any time.

Asterisk2VOIP does not guarantee that the Site will always be available or accessible, and Asterisk2VOIP is not responsible for any problems you may have with access to the Site or any information about it, even if  Asterisk2VOIP has been advised of such problems.

Any mention of non-Asterisk2VOIP products or services is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation.

Materials, goods, services or information posted on the Website, including email and writing, Statements reflect the views of the authors only.

User account

If you register for or access a user account on the Website, you must provide an email address (username) and you agree to following terms:

You have to provide updated and accurate information to keep it current and complete; and  enforce these Terms of Use. 

Failure to provide accurate information is a violation of this Agreement and may result in immediate termination of your right to access and use the Website.

You may not choose an email address that impersonates someone else, is illegal, violates a trademark or other proprietary right, or is obscene or offensive.

Although Asterisk2VOIP does not monitor or control the creation of an account or email address, Asterisk2VOIP reserves the right to refuse or delete an account or email address if it violates these Terms of Use.

You agree not to sell your use or access to the Website or to allow anyone to use your email address or password to use the Website if your account is suspended or terminated. 

You agree to immediately notify Asterisk2VOIP of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. We will not be responsible for any losses caused by others using your password and account with or without your permission.

Terms of uses

The materials and images displayed on this website are not copyrighted. 

Except as provided by copyright law, no material or image on the website can be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior approval.

Asterisk2VOIP expressly prohibits the copying of protected material on its website.

Images, text, software, documents, electronic text and image files, audio and video files and clips, and other materials on the Website are protected by copyright law and may have other restrictions. 

Asterisk2VOIP reserves all rights, including copyright, in the data, images, text and other information contained in these files.


Asterisk2VOIP has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of the website, including determining compliance with these terms and policies. 

Asterisk2VOIP reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to edit, post or remove material posted or posted on the Website that we believe violates these Terms of Use or is objectionable. 

You are responsible for any information you may post, transmit or otherwise make available on the site.


Any person or corporation posting or transmitting Content to the Website shall release and hold harmless to Asterisk2VOIP and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents and licensors, and agree to object. 

All claims, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) related to or arising from such submitted content, including, but not limited to, false advertising claims, claims made by third parties, and liability claims for products or services sold. 

Person or corporation that submits such content, claims for patent, copyright or trademark infringement, breach of confidentiality or misuse of trade secrets, or claims for infringement or malfunction of the services provided (including Submitted Content) are reviewed by Asterisk2VOIP before publishing on the website.