What is Soundbox Dialer and How Does It Reduce Per Calling Cost?

December 30, 2022


Call center soundbox dialer solution by Asterisk2VOIP is a call management application that allows you to create and play audio files through your phone system. Sound Box is an exciting software solution for call agents. This function allows you to play audio files. 

Audio files often contain pre-recorded messages. Additionally, this message is played when this option is selected. Telephone agents communicate with their customers through a combination of these methods.

Call center systems provide many features to attract and satisfy customers. The soundbox avatar feature is one of the most interesting features of the more accurate, intelligent call center software. It keeps customers interested.

What is SoundBox Dialer?

SoundBox Dialer by Asterisk2VOIP are often integrate into more advanced call center software. This feature is specifically designed to improve customer interaction within seconds where consumer agents and organizations form opinions.

Sound Box Dialer by Asterisk2VOIP can help you to increase your productivity. It will give portabilities to your agents and people who can perform smarter and faster in your teams.

Key Features of Soundbox Dialer

  • Web based Application
  • Call Recording
  • Call Transfer
  • Broadcasting and survey dialing
  • Analytic and reports 

Benefits of Soundbox Dialer

Native speaking customers are more active

Everyone feels comfortable talking to someone from their region or country. Some people, like American English speakers, insist on speaking with natives. It is difficult to sort out local or native speakers for the variety of accents available in call center English. 

Here comes the Soundbox feature of a smart call center solution to the rescue. A soundboard avatar can hold the same message in a different voice and play it back like a speaker. 

This not only keeps the caller busy but also makes them feel at ease. In some cases, the call center also has the necessary first call solutions.

Respond to people who speak a language other than your own

There may be people who speak languages ​​other than English. Also, some agents can understand English spoken in countries like India, but speaking English is difficult. Management in call centers in India often deal with the lack of resources for English speakers. 

This is where Soundbox Avatar works like a miracle. Agents who are not fluent in English can work in call centers using Avatar Soundboard. It will keep the business and client representatives productive. It will also improve agent morale and improve productivity. 

This can also help you increase your ROI. The type of use, foreign native language can be use in all countries where agents serve customers in different regions.


Call agents can use the Voice Board to deliver a clear and consistent message on every call. Compared to a live call, an agent’s “voice” retains quality, tone, and delivery.


We compare voice board operator jobs to live voice agents on the phone. In every category, soundboard outperformed live agents in terms of results. The added benefit of reducing the number of complaints received. Overall, sound boards increase revenue while reducing potential costs.

How to diagnose common call quality problems

Three common problems can impair clear communication using VoIP: packet loss, jitter, and latency:

Packet loss

VoIP is broken down into small digital packets that travel through voice. They don’t necessarily all move in the same order or direction. 

The goal is to get those packets to their destination as quickly as possible. Once there, they are assembled in the correct order to produce a natural sound from the speaker.

But what if some packets are lost? If there is a network problem, the packet may be accidentally dropped on the way to the end point. Packet loss causes callers to lose voice with reduced volume. If the loss is severe enough, calling is partially or completely abandoned.


You may have heard noise during the call. This varies depending on how long the packet takes to travel through the network. They are often stuck together due to system congestion.

The result is a sound that comes to the caller at irregular intervals, creating a high-pitched tone.


The delay involved a little jitter. This is related to how long a packet takes to travel through the network. Instead of irregular intervals, all messages arrive later than expected. 

The caller is “double talking” even if they stop talking before hearing a voice from the other end.

The audio delay makes conversation difficult because people are talking over each other on purpose.


Phone Adaptation Soundbox Software provides intelligent sound playback technology using direct agent control. Give your customers an exceptional experience with Asterisk2VOIP.


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