Call Center Solution

Read our blogs to know more details about call center solutions

Different Types of PBX System

February 4, 2023

As with any other equipment, businesses must ensure that the PBX they end up implementing meets all requirements. There are many types of business PBX should consider adopting, but not all types actually meet the needs.

Role of Voice Broadcasting in the Healthcare Industry

January 8, 2023

When it comes to delivering information to a large audience, audio streaming services have a tremendous impact on the industry. Broadcasting has evolved over time for more than just advertising and marketing purposes.

What is VoIP Billing Software?

January 5, 2023

VOIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. VOIP is becoming more common in modern business practices as it allows businesses to use the latest technology to better serve their customers.

What is Soundbox Dialer and How Does It Reduce Per Calling Cost?

December 30, 2022

Call center soundbox dialer solution by Asterisk2VOIP is a call management application that allows you to create and play audio files through your phone system. Sound Box is an exciting software solution for call agents. This function allows you to play audio files.